Check out all the Church events that have happened here at the Lighthouse in 2016.
December 24 - 7:00 pm
Join us for our Candle Light service on Christmas Eve.
Sunday, December 18 - 10:30 am
Our Christmas celebration will be with special music and a Christmas potluck following the morning service. Bring your favourite dish to share!
Sunday, December 4 - 10:30 am
Power Sunday with Tia Jones.
Join us for a powerful testimony from Tia and hear about God's amazing transforming power!
November 5 - 7:00 pm
A dramatized real life presentation you'll never forget!
Sunday, Sept 25 - 6:00 pm
Location: Lighthouse Church of God
Refreshments to follow.
A love offering will be taken to support the Niagara Falls Prayer Breakfast, Niagara Falls City Church Network.
Good Friday, March 25 - 10:30 am
Service is followed by foot washing.
Easter Sunday, March 27 - 10:30 am
No Sunday Evening Service.
Sunday, February 28 - 1:00 pm
Mark your calendars the Annual Business Meeting is coming up on February 28th. All members are asked to attend. All members can vote and bring up business matters so make sure your voice can be heard in your local church. All non members are also welcome to come and find out the inner workings of the church. The meeting will begin after a luncheon which follows the morning service. With the meeting in the afternoon there is no evening service.
Directors: Reports are due February 14th.
January 10 - 31
The Lighthouse is asking everyone that can to participate in our 21 days of fasting and prayer along with all the Churches of God in Ontario. Whether you can fast one meal, one day, one week, or the whole time we are asking you to join us and fast and pray as we start this new year of 2016. You can pick up a prayer planner, describing points to pray for each day of the fast and verses to correspond, in the church in the foyer.